Cyberbullying To be ‘yellow-bellied’ or simply ‘yellow’ is to be cowardly or easily scared. This word originally applied to birds that literally have a yellow belly, like the yellow-bellied sapsucker. From there, it came to mean an insult for cowards (Wikipedia). Moreover, from the late middle Ages, yellow had been associated with falsehood, treason and treachery; Judas was also often depicted wearing yellow at this time. It has been suggested that yellow-bellied, meaning a coward, may have also been inspired by chicken egg yolks being yellow and a chicken meaning coward. “There ar e those who have life on social media, and then there are those who have a real-life,” Amit Tandon, Comedian ‘Yellow’ in this article refers to the first category; aka the ones who appear brave only in the cyber world, in the real world they would probably go into hiding even from the sound of someone sneezing around them. While a majority of these seem to be content with putting their point acro...