Version 1 1/2 Paperback version
Dear All, Paperback edition of Version 1 1/2 (Version One and a Half) is now available on notionpress .com. eBook edition is already available on Amazon Kindle. Use the links below to order online. Premise: I was feeling impatient and lost off late, couldn’t concentrate on my work either. I would get strange thoughts, I started having memory issues I would often forget things and was not able to sleep properly, started staying aloof off. “Guess my commitment issue is back” was my first thought. I always had a problem committing to things for a long time. I would easily get bored of doing the same thing again and again and I would just quit. I got bored of marketing so moved to call centres. I got bored of call centres so moved into training. I got bored of soft skills and behavioural skills training so moved into health and safety training. I had been with the same organization for 7 years ...