
Showing posts from October, 2018

Version 1 1/2 Paperback version

Dear All, Paperback edition of Version 1 1/2 (Version One and a Half) is now available on notionpress .com.  eBook edition is already available on Amazon Kindle. Use the links below to order online. Premise: I was feeling impatient and lost off late, couldn’t concentrate on my work either. I would get strange thoughts, I started having memory issues I would often forget things and was not able to sleep properly, started staying aloof off.  “Guess my commitment issue is back” was my first thought.  I always had a problem committing to things for a long time. I would easily get bored of doing the same thing again and again and I would just quit.  I got bored of marketing so moved to call centres. I got bored of call centres so moved into training. I got bored of soft skills and behavioural skills training so moved into health and safety training. I had been with the same organization for 7 years ...

The SOMBIE Virus

#Version11/2 #versiononeandahalf The ‘SOMBIE VIRUS’ Zombies are here and they walk right among us. They are infected by the ‘SOMBIE VIRUS.’ It was accidentally created by mobile phone companies and we’ve all fed it, nurtured it and helped it grow by providing healthy carriers. We all seem to suffer from this virus these days. Sombie - Adjective “a person who is lost into his/her phone endlessly while being oblivious to the world around them.” ‘SOMBIE’, short form for ‘SMARTPHONE ZOMBIE’, is someone like me, who is always lost in his smartphone even while sitting with friends or family. SOMBIES are totally oblivious to the world around them. Reading actually helped me to implement my first plan of action which was; to get rid of the ‘SOMBIE VIRUS’. Reading helped me focus and I can write a lot better now that the ‘SOMBIE VIRUS’ is subdued. Read to know more... Version 1 1/2, now available on and Amazon Kindle