There is always a special mirror which is our most trusted mirror. We trust it more than other mirrors in our home and no matter how much time we spend getting ready in front of other mirrors, we tend to go to our trusted mirror and take a peek at our reflection to be sure. Our man, Shobhit, watched himself in his trusted mirror every day. Shobhit was a confident young man but he had to look at his reflection in his trusted mirror every morning to be able to walk confidently in public. If because of any reason he could not look at his reflection in this mirror than he would keep feeling awkward about his appearance all day. This mirror was installed in the balcony and being in the common area, it was used by other family members as well. So, the usual squabbling between him and his sister Shalu was a usual affair every morning when they both got ready for college. It was Shobhit’s favourite mirror so he always argued wit...