Write a blog they said.....

Write a blog they said & you shall earn money... Blogging it seems is one of the top 10 activities which can earn you money online (as per https://yourstory.com/2017/02/start-small-go-big/). So I spoke to this good for nothing friend of mine about the nitty-gritties of writing a super successful blog (good for nothing because while I sweat it out in a office doing 9-5 shift, he earns merrily while sitting at home. Naaa, I am just kidding he's a brilliant creative guy who makes good money while working from home). According to him, to start with, blogs can earn money if you can put the right ads on your blog. You get paid per clicks on the ads which show on your blog. Every blogging site has an option to add ads through google Adsense. Check your sites help to find out how you can add that to your blog.

Which brought up the all important question, 'how can I make my blog popular so that more people can read & click on the ads on my blog so that I can make more money (that is the central idea to start with, earn money)?' Well here's what I found out from him & some other sources online & I wanted to share this on my very first blog(sounds laughable but I am actually learning something new while I am writing my first blog & this becomes my first earning from my blog):
1. Share the link for your blog on your social network & request your connections to read it & share it with their respective connections (if they do like your blog)
2. Pick a topic which is current & happening so that people can relate to it
3. Tagging is very important so use appropriate tag words so that you can appear in searches. The more you appear in searches the chances of people reading your blog will also increase
4. Blog as often as possible. The more you blog, the more people will know about you
5. Patience pays, because it might take time for things to work
6. Use paid services to get traffic onto your blog. For a nominal fee you can get this done

This & some other basic stuff will get things going for your blog. I guess this is more then enough to start with. So here's wishing all the first time bloggers (including me) best of luck. Happy blogging...........


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