City Folk - Is humanity really dead?

Amongst the other adventures that a 'City Folk' has to endure is the 'daily gossip' in the public transport and during typical office break discussion. Being a true 'City Folk' who uses public transport extensively, I can vouch that this is the hottest topic these days. Everyone talks about how Indian culture has become corrupt and that we lack humanity in general. There are so many videos online where victims have been left to die on road and people keep passing them, with some even making videos while the victim is crying in agony. With each article/video/news about rape, murder, conflict, rioting, & genocide (somewhere in the world and not just in India) we indeed get to hear this phrase a lot these days. According to most 'City Folk' humanity is dead and we are in fact heading towards self-destruction. We've had the worst crimes against humanity committed in the past yet somehow we feel that this is the worst time of all. We've...