City Folk - Is humanity really dead?

Amongst the other adventures that a 'City Folk' has to endure is the 'daily gossip' in the public transport and during typical office break discussion. Being a true 'City Folk' who uses public transport extensively, I can vouch that this is the hottest topic these days.

Everyone talks about how Indian culture has become corrupt and that we lack humanity in general. There are so many videos online where victims have been left to die on road and people keep passing them, with some even making videos while the victim is crying in agony. With each article/video/news about rape, murder, conflict, rioting, & genocide (somewhere in the world and not just in India) we indeed get to hear this phrase a lot these days.

According to most 'City Folk' humanity is dead and we are in fact heading towards self-destruction.

We've had the worst crimes against humanity committed in the past yet somehow we feel that this is the worst time of all.

We've had huge Wars fought in the past, people massacred, women & children rapped by invading armies, let's not forget the World Wars, dropping of nuclear bomb on Hiroshima & Nagasaki & (here's something to calm down all the vegans who feel that consumption of meat has increased now-a-days) animals were slaughtered for meat in the past too. So yes, misery has existed for as long as mankind has existed on Earth.

Not that I am trying to justify the crimes and misery, but what I am trying to say is that whatever we are seeing now has already happened in the past too & it was more barbaric to say the least & we should stop blaming the CURRENT TIME AND THE TECHNOLOGY for everything that is wrong with this world.

The fact is that we are more connected then ever in the human history. We are connected by web, mobility & television so much so that you can get a pulse of Syria sitting here in India. So when you read about an atrocity in Syria, while comfortably sitting in your AC room, you  feel the urge to support the cause or blame a certain country without even knowing the actual facts, without even checking if the images or the videos actually belong to Syria or not.

When you hear about or read or see news about a murder or a barbaric rape then we become judgemental to the point that we even start blaming the victim for wearing that wrong dress or being out of home at the wrong time.

We have become so judgemental & feel so empowered that we can roast anyone in a second, and we can malign anyone's reputation by sharing an edited or morphed video, because we have already decided that it was wrong of the person to do whatever it is he/she did.

We love to make memes about others because that is the easiest way to show the size of our balls. We've also decided that if someone is criticizing a particular leader or a party then we are anti-national. We feel that we exactly know the definition of nationalism & anyone not matching up to it is an anti-national.

Humanity is definitely not dead, but our senses are dead, rather they have become redundant. As a 'City Folk' who has the power to make change I feel that we don't use our senses to understand and form a view about anything anymore.

In the era of social media we've become flock of goat being reared by others who control the medium or at least have the capacity to manipulate it.

Don't you feel that we are being fed with only negative and opinionated news these days?

Each day you get to hear about a new conflict brewing somewhere on our beloved planet. Each day you get to hear about bombing in some country or state, by only god knows who, killing hundreds. Each day you get to hear about a child being raped somewhere. Each day you hear stories about Nirbhaya's & you feel disgusted. You share photos, videos & articles to support the victims & their families. You start generalizing a particular religion or community or ethnicity or a country & brand them all criminals. We are being played by people in media and politics and we are actually letting them play with us with our mindless reactions.

The key to getting back 'Humanity' will be to assess and think before reacting to any gossip or news or article or video or photo and shunning negativity.

Believe it or not, this is as good as it gets and these are the best of the times.

We are more informed then ever before. We have every information at our disposal and how we use it or react to it will actually decide if 'Humanity' stays alive or not.

Just another Adventure in the life of a City Folk; dealing with Fake and Negative News.

Watch this page for more such adventures...


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