Social Media — The story of everyone’s life

Social Media — The story of my life
Social media has been around for some time now.

Firstly, it was Orkut, then came Facebook (FB), then Instagram, then Snapchat, and so on.

There might be other platforms too, but this is as per my limited knowledge. :)

I have been active on social media for a long time now. I have had some good experiences (well, most of them), while I have also had some bad experiences as well.

So, for some time now I have been wondering, “is Social media boon or curse?”

After looking back at my experiences and also discussing with many people, I have concluded that it is a bit of both.

It’s a boon because no longer do we need to wait to see an individual or a group personally to share our happiness or sadness with them. Your contacts can support you instantly when you require help.

A click of a button and the world around you knows what’s going on in your mind the very second you feel it or capture it on your phone.

Leaning online or showcasing your talent or selling your product or services and doing a million other things have become a lot easier thanks to social media. The benefits of social media are aplenty.

However, it’s also a curse because it is the most significant cause of depression and anxiety these days. Seeing others travel to exotic places, eat at fancy joints, do adventure stuff, etc. makes one feel that everyone else is having fun while I am at home doing nothing. So that makes me a loser with a capital ‘L.’

I will be honest; the curse part was causing a lot of pain and anxiety, and over the time I have realised something which might help you get over this anxiety as well.

Now think about this; all those so-called social media geniuses who actively post stuff on FB, Instagram and other platforms, seemingly trying to pretend that they have a better life than others, have to work hard for this and I mean really hard.

Take for instance someone who regularly posts pics of food he or she eats.

Now, this person not only had to pick his or her food based upon the taste but also select it on the basis if it looks good or not? Will others like it or not? Is the presentation good for an Instagram post or not? If it doesn’t look good should I just throw the stuff in the bin and order something new or not?

So practically, for this person eating itself is not vital but clicking the pic is more important.

Also, let’s not forget the constant anxiety of checking the ‘like’ and ‘comment’ status of your pic every few seconds. Phewwww…

I’d say this so-called active social media genius has many issues.

However, you, on the other hand, can just order and enjoy the meal as you go. You don’t have to worry about how the dish looks or how others would feel if you shared that you ate this particular dish.

You can enjoy a place you visit without having to worry about finding the right spot to click a selfie which will give you maximum likes.

You can just enjoy the place, while the social media genius will have to hunt for locations for a beautiful selfie ignoring the real beauty of the place they have visited.

So, from now on if you feel that others have an active ‘social media life’ and you don’t then be thankful that you actually have a ‘real life’ and they don’t.



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