I had no specific topic in mind when I started this blog, hence the name 'Abracadabra'. Each time the box opens (my brain) it will bring a new thing out. Just say 'Abracadabra'...
"Simon says…" As a ‘Die Hard’ fan of action movies I have always loved the ‘Die Hard’ trilogy and this dialogue from part 3, Die Hard with a Vengeance, is my favourite. The story goes like this: The bad guy, ‘Simon Gruber,’ has assigned a series of tasks to the protagonist, ‘John McClane,’ and his partner, ‘Zeus Carver,’ and whenever Simon explains a task to ‘John McClane,’ he starts with this phrase, “Simon says…,” followed by the task. We all have a ‘John McClane’ in us, but we also have a ‘Simon Gruber’ in us as well. Let’s face it; nobody aspires to be a ‘Simon Gruber’ out of choice, we all would love to be a hero someday, so our aspirations are always about being a ‘John McClane.’ The ‘John McClane’ is us is continually guiding us to do the right thing, and make the right choices. He is, sort of, ‘the force’ behind every good decision, good deed and the right choice that we make. However, deep down, the ‘Simon Gruber,’ in us is also waitin...
One of the basic facts about life is that it is unpredictable and our life can change for the worse any moment. Those who accept and understand this fact live and handle problems and failures effectively while those who don’t, end up ruining there and the lives those around them, no matter how successful they were. Just read an article about a young Indian guy in the US who committed suicide after shooting his wife and children. He passed from a premier engineering college in India and then went on to do his MBA from a University in the US. He had a high paying job, a beautiful wife, a big house and luxury cars. So, what went wrong? California Institute of Clinical Psychology Studied his case and found “what went wrong?” They interviewed his friends and family and found that he had lost his job due to America’s economic crisis and was jobless for a long time. He even reduced his previous salary amount but didn’t get a...
Write a blog they said & you shall earn money... Blogging it seems is one of the top 10 activities which can earn you money online (as per https://yourstory.com/2017/02/start-small-go-big/). So I spoke to this good for nothing friend of mine about the nitty-gritties of writing a super successful blog (good for nothing because while I sweat it out in a office doing 9-5 shift, he earns merrily while sitting at home. Naaa, I am just kidding he's a brilliant creative guy who makes good money while working from home). According to him, to start with, blogs can earn money if you can put the right ads on your blog. You get paid per clicks on the ads which show on your blog. Every blogging site has an option to add ads through google Adsense. Check your sites help to find out how you can add that to your blog. Which brought up the all important question, 'how can I make my blog popular so that more people can read & click on the ads on my blog so that I can make more mone...
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