Diary from Heaven

The human brain is just like the ‘Space’, a majority of it is still unexplored.
There are certain things that even scientists and doctors can’t explain when it comes to the human brain.
“I turned to drugs to find Peace but ended up in Pieces — Arun.”

How do you know that you are awake?
Logical answer will be;
- when you physically feel things by touch or someone else touching you; or
- when you are moving around physically; or ü when your eyes are open; or ü when an injury leaves a mark on your body; or
- When you feel pain.

The list is exhaustive because different people might give different answers.

However, what if even after all of the above, you are not sure if you are awake or not?

What if you are not sure about whatever that is happening to you is real or just a bad dream?

That is what drugs can do to your brain and when you forcefully try to wake yourself up out of that nightmare, more nightmares follow you in real life. The ease with which drugs are available is baffling.

Withdrawal (the after effect of giving up drugs), is like a drive on a lousy road full of potholes, and your car is on an autopilot which you cannot switch off. You have no control over the speed or the brakes; you are in for the ride of your life stuck in your seat taking in the jolts hoping and praying that it all stops soon. Seconds spent on such trips seem like an eternity and jerks don’t seem to end, it looks like a never-ending nightmare.

Withdrawal can be a testing phase for many.

A majority don’t make it through this phase and indulge in self-harm while some commit suicide and others give up and merrily go back to drugs.

Imagine if you had to do it (give up drugs, i.e.) while living with your family under the same roof and not being able to tell them that you were, in fact, a junky on the way to redemption, so you are trying to give up.

The constant nightmares during the withdrawal phase can be torturous. The common perception is that people do drugs out of choice, for pleasure.

Well, they are partly right because for most, it starts as fun, by choice, and later it becomes an addiction, and they no longer have a ‘choice’ while others are forced into it by various means.

Choice or not, drugs are a menace which has the potential to destroy lives, promising young lives like the life of one named Arun, our protagonist.

‘Hi! I am Arun and ‘Diary from Heaven’ is my confession,’

‘I am ‘the one’ of this story, if you know what I mean.’

‘I was a typical Indian boy from a middle-class family with extraordinary life and friends.’

‘Music was my life; I was always hooked on.’

‘You could call me an ‘Eternal Junkie’ because if I was not high on drugs or alcohol, I was always lost in my high-speed thoughts.’

‘I always said that I could not control my thoughts and that my brain was like a ‘Railway Track’ on which the ‘Bullet Train’ of my ‘thoughts’ ran uncontrolled.’

‘As a kid, I always dreamed of becoming a Fighter Pilot after I saw the movie ‘Angad.’

‘Everything changed when my father moved to Gurgaon, a big city compared to the place where I grew up.’

‘The fast-moving and glitzy life in the big city changed the direction of my life from aspiring to be a Fighter Pilot to something that is every parent’s worst nightmare.’

‘I loved the magical world of movies.’

‘I was in awe of the movie characters and their beautiful world on screen.’

‘As a teenager, I was fond of college rom-com movies of the early ’90s.’

‘I aspired to be part of a happening group and fall in love when I got into a college.’

‘So, I guess I was just an average shy and emotional young boy with vivid dreams.’

‘Diary from Heaven is my bumpy and emotional story.’


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