
Showing posts from 2018

Diary from Heaven

The human brain is just like the ‘Space’, a majority of it is still unexplored. There are certain things that even scientists and doctors can’t explain when it comes to the human brain. “I turned to drugs to find Peace but ended up in Pieces — Arun.” How do you know that you are awake? Logical answer will be; - when you physically feel things by touch or someone else touching you; or - when you are moving around physically; or ü when your eyes are open; or ü when an injury leaves a mark on your body; or - When you feel pain. The list is exhaustive because different people might give different answers. However, what if even after all of the above, you are not sure if you are awake or not? What if you are not sure about whatever that is happening to you is real or just a bad dream? That is what drugs can do to your brain and when you forcefully try to wake yourself up out of that nightmare, more nightmares follow you in real life. The ease with which drugs are available ...

Version 1 1/2 - The Walls Around Us

The story of Buddha, or at least a part of it, has always motivated me so I wanted to share his story. There are a lot of theories and versions about his life which you can find online and in books. I wanted to share a version that has always meant a lot to me. This is based upon my interpretation of his story. So “peace” in advance if you feel offended. Siddhartha Gautama was born to a king named Suddhodana and a queen named Mahamaya in the sixth century B.C Nepal. The prince grew up within the palace walls, having no contact with the outside world. Whatever he learned or experienced he did it within the confines of those walls only.  He married a beautiful Princess named Yashodhara and they had a son. He was named Rahula. They lived happily together within the world of wealth and power. Siddartha soon grew bored of the life inside the walls of the palace and wanted to experience the life outside. Some say he snuck out of the palace to firsthand experience the life ou...

Version 1 1/2 Paperback version

Dear All, Paperback edition of Version 1 1/2 (Version One and a Half) is now available on notionpress .com.  eBook edition is already available on Amazon Kindle. Use the links below to order online. Premise: I was feeling impatient and lost off late, couldn’t concentrate on my work either. I would get strange thoughts, I started having memory issues I would often forget things and was not able to sleep properly, started staying aloof off.  “Guess my commitment issue is back” was my first thought.  I always had a problem committing to things for a long time. I would easily get bored of doing the same thing again and again and I would just quit.  I got bored of marketing so moved to call centres. I got bored of call centres so moved into training. I got bored of soft skills and behavioural skills training so moved into health and safety training. I had been with the same organization for 7 years ...

The SOMBIE Virus

#Version11/2 #versiononeandahalf The ‘SOMBIE VIRUS’ Zombies are here and they walk right among us. They are infected by the ‘SOMBIE VIRUS.’ It was accidentally created by mobile phone companies and we’ve all fed it, nurtured it and helped it grow by providing healthy carriers. We all seem to suffer from this virus these days. Sombie - Adjective “a person who is lost into his/her phone endlessly while being oblivious to the world around them.” ‘SOMBIE’, short form for ‘SMARTPHONE ZOMBIE’, is someone like me, who is always lost in his smartphone even while sitting with friends or family. SOMBIES are totally oblivious to the world around them. Reading actually helped me to implement my first plan of action which was; to get rid of the ‘SOMBIE VIRUS’. Reading helped me focus and I can write a lot better now that the ‘SOMBIE VIRUS’ is subdued. Read to know more... Version 1 1/2, now available on and Amazon Kindle

Version 1 1/2

Childhood memories are precious and mine just got converted into a book. Presenting 'Version 1 1/2', a collection of my childhood memories from 80's on Amazon Kindle. Download the Kindle app on any phone to read the book. Paperback version arriving soon on Flipkart and Amazon. Version 1 1/2 “Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it” Salvador Dali  Whether or not I am old enough to actually have a midlife crisis or not, it didn’t matter. What mattered was how the situation was affecting everything and everyone around me. I had an easy option, QUITTING. But how far can I run, was the question echoing in my mind all the time? I did the usual jazz of meeting experts and seeking advice and solutions. On the way, I also met a lot of people giving out free advice as well. I explored other ways too but none seemed to work. So in search of a solution for my problem (s) I started looking within me and found peace in my childhood memories. Using childhood memorie...

City Folk - City Slick

Delhi-NCR or NCT of Delhi includes Delhi city, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Noida, Ghaziabad and Meerut. The area is vast and going from one place to another is a big challenge, especially during peak hours. Each city has its own uniqueness in terms of the chaos it offers to everyday commuters and off course the residents. Buses and Delhi Metro are too crowded while most of the roads are jammed due to traffic during peak hours. A story witnessed by almost every City Folk in India. The ‘City Folk’ virus in me is usually laid back and relaxed but for travelling in Delhi-NCR I have chosen the ‘inconvenient way’ rather than the ‘convenient way’ ever since I have bought the ‘Bullet’ motorcycle. I would not give up my ‘Bullet’ for all the worldly comforts that come along with ‘Delhi Metro’ and DTC’s AC buses. I chose the jam packed streets to comfortable overhead and underground ride of the ‘Delhi Metro’. So yes Dad was a bit upset when I didn’t listen to him and kept going to office on ‘B...

City Folk - Positivity

Sunday thought - Struggles will always be there, key to happiness for a City Folk is positivity.

City Folk - Is humanity really dead?

Amongst the other adventures that a 'City Folk' has to endure is the 'daily gossip' in the public transport and during typical office break discussion. Being a true 'City Folk' who uses public transport extensively, I can vouch that this is the hottest topic these days. Everyone talks about how Indian culture has become corrupt and that we lack humanity in general. There are so many videos online where victims have been left to die on road and people keep passing them, with some even making videos while the victim is crying in agony. With each article/video/news about rape, murder, conflict, rioting, & genocide (somewhere in the world and not just in India) we indeed get to hear this phrase a lot these days. According to most 'City Folk'  humanity is dead  and we are in fact heading towards self-destruction. We've had the worst crimes against humanity committed in the past yet somehow we feel that this is the worst time of all. We've...

City Folk - The Madness

“There is a method to madness”, they say. While writing this I asked people for that one word that came to their mind when they thought about their life in a big bad city and answers were as follows. Some of the negative words chosen were;  Difficult, Irritation, Confusion, Insane, Frustration, Traffic, Robbery, Rape, Harassment, Rain, Indifference, Feeling-less so on and so forth. Some of the positive words chosen were; Opportunity, Money, Stability, Happiness, Advancement, Infrastructure, Roads, Technology, Education, Flyover, Metro, Connectivity, so on and so forth. It is evident by the words chosen by people to describe life in a big city that life of a 'City Folk' is indeed difficult. Amongst this insane and difficult life in the big city we all look for signs of ‘Method’ and 'Hope' and we all have our own way of finding what matters to us. A big city is an amalgamation of millions of lives and both positive and negative emotions are bound to exist. We...

City Folk - The Premise

‘City Folk’ is a contemporary city creature. He is your everyday big city dweller. Anybody can be a ‘City Folk’, doesn’t matter which age group, religion, caste, or gender one belongs to. But before I begin let me ask you this; which is the most cliched place associated with ‘adventure’ in India these days? You guessed it right, it’s of course ‘The Bulletisized land of Leh- Ladakh’, what else? In fact, it’s a dream of every new bullet owner to go on whirlwind adventures to distant places and by distant places, I actually mean ‘Leh Ladakh’. A journey to Leh-Ladakh is considered the ultimate adventure a pilgrimage of a sort for Bullet owners. It’s the ‘Alamo’ of a true adventure and thrill seeker. Without this, it seems, the adventure sprite remains troubled. How would you feel owning a Bullet Motorcycle for 10 years and not being able to go to Leh-Ladakh even once? Is the question my guy (I will refer to him as ‘always dreaming at home adventurer’ or ADHA which means ½ in ...

Write a blog they said.....

Write a blog they said & you shall earn money... Blogging it seems is one of the top 10 activities which can earn you money online (as per So I spoke to this good for nothing friend of mine about the nitty-gritties of writing a super successful blog (good for nothing because while I sweat it out in a office doing 9-5 shift, he earns merrily while sitting at home. Naaa, I am just kidding he's a brilliant creative guy who makes good money while working from home). According to him, to start with, blogs can earn money if you can put the right ads on your blog. You get paid per clicks on the ads which show on your blog. Every blogging site has an option to add ads through google Adsense. Check your sites help to find out how you can add that to your blog. Which brought up the all important question, 'how can I make my blog popular so that more people can read & click on the ads on my blog so that I can make more mone...